Claire Webber

Digital Marketing

get connected

57.6 million

is the number of active social media users in the UK with over four billion globally

1 hour 48 mins

is the amount of time the average user spends scrolling per day

1 third

of people who use social media research brand information, products and services


of users won’t deal with a brand again if they don’t receive a timely reply to their social media query


of people only trust brands if they have interacted with them on social media


of users write a negative review about brands that don’t respond timely to their social media query

The facts speak for themselves...

If you don’t have a strong, active and responsive social media presence you are missing out on valuable promotion opportunities that your competitors could be taking advantage of.

How can I help?

With so many different possible options, social media marketing is a bespoke package and so we’ll need to have chat to find out exactly what you need. Whether it’s the initial set up of relevant platforms with first post content to launch them, or the total management of your whole social media presence – you choose the service level that feels right for you.

Options include:

Identifying which platforms will best promote you by defining your target audience

Evaluating your competitors to consider what works and what doesn't in your field

Setting up relevant channels or improving what you already have established

Defining your unique brand voice and style of communication

Designing an eye-catching logo and selecting a suitable brand colour palette

Creating informative and engaging first posts to launch new platforms

Linking with other relevant brands, joining appropriate groups, sharing other people's posts etc

Creating new content on a weekly, monthly or ad-hoc basis, or in line with special occasions e.g. Black Friday

Engaging with those that interact with you to build and grow brand loyalty and trust

Capitalising on promotional opportunities e.g. via trending memes and hashtags

Responding to direct comments and private messages in good time

Analysing the performance of content and adjusting strategy as necessary

Quickly dealing with any unsavoury or negative public comments

Forwarding the details of all serious enquiries to ensure you don't miss any opportunities

Social media fundamentals

The essential building blocks required for a strong online presence

Together we’ll define how you want to be viewed online. If required I can create an eye-catching logo and help choose an appropriate colour palette for your industry. I’ll craft your brand voice, whether that’s fun and quirky or serious and formal, and all content created will be in this consistent tone. If I’m managing your accounts, I’ll ensure that any interactions with customers use the exact language that communicates your brand style, and unless you specifically request it there’ll be no bad language, controversial opinions or negativity!

I’ll help you decide which platforms will best promote you by defining your target audience and looking at what your competitors are already doing. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Pinterest, or Reddit – together we’ll select the right options that work best for you.

All posts are written and designed uniquely for you, using the correct style and technique for each platform. Each will either inform or entertain, and I’ll use general images and graphics or your own photos so they are visually pleasing and eye-catching. Let me know about any special offers, new products/services or company updates that you would like featured. Maybe you want to post a series of blog articles to showcase your knowledge and build brand loyalty – I can research and craft the perfect piece. 

In order to grow your brand and generate awareness and trust, I’ll identify which communities you need to be linked with and engage with users there. That could be joining a local Facebook group and becoming a familiar voice, liking and commenting on other’s Instagram posts or sharing relevant Tweets to gain credibility. I will respond quickly to any direct comments, private messages or general enquiries in your field, ensuring that yours is the voice that is heard.

I had no idea about social media but knew I was missing potential work. Claire manages my content and inbox and I've attracted new clients.